Thank you for your trust

In our way of coaching we call any challenges or times of feeling stuck, ‘openings’, because in fact, they do just that. They open us, they open our perception, and new possibilities are presented. For me, and for many that I have witnessed, parenthood can be one of our grandest openings - full of the unknown but with much treasure too.

In the work that I do the thing that always leaves me in awe is the ability for people to open up and to go new places and the treasure that is revealed. I am always so inspired by each of my clients. I truly believe that the work we do together is there to show me something as well. All of my clients’ paths are so beautifully Woven together and in service of one another. I am grateful that I get to do this work and I am grateful that others trust me to do it.

For me, the most important part in stepping into a role of guidance and facilitation of others is to constantly be in your own practice too. There is no hierarchy to humans. I have not graduated to any sort of ‘higher place’. I am simply here in a role that I feel comfortable being in, which is to hold, to inquire, to explore, to communicate and to connect. The magnificent truth is, I do not know where we will go together and any ideas I have always pale in comparison to where we arrive.

Combining Human Design & Integral Coaching

As a Human Design Reader and a client of other Readers, I have often felt that there was a step missing. I got all of this incredible information, but there was a sense of ‘now what’. For me, the Human Design reading is only the beginning. It is simply an invitation to bring consciousness and awareness to parts of yourself and to start to work with your mechanics rather than against them!

However, that is so much easier said than done. Human Design can show us things about ourselves that we have been conditioned for decades to ignore or fear. While this is the opening to greater possibility, stepping into those possibilities alone can be daunting. This is where integral coaching becomes the perfect pairing. It gives us the capacities to inquire into ourselves, to observe ourselves and to live in an ongoing evolution of exploring our authentic selves.

More about my work

  • I work with people who are in the conception journey, birthing people who are pregnant, support partners, and people who in the early years of family making.

  • I received my Professional Coaching Certification in Integral Development Coaching certificate from Thirdspace Ltd based in the UK. This program consisted of a year of learning, over 100 hours of practice clients and final certification from the faculty.

    For Human Design, I trained with Jenna Zoe and "My Human Design", but I also lean towards learning from the texts and resources created by Ra Uru Hu, the founder of Human Design. This information feels most accessible to me and I am able to intuitively sense into what is present and in support of our collective as well as individual clients.

  • I offer 3 different types of payment plans for my coaching containers. You can see them at the bottom of the 'Integral Development' page on this site.

    Additionally, if you are a single parent or a parent who's circumstances do make my offerings affordable, please email me with the service you would like: .I will create an offering for you for free, no questions asked.

Let’s Connect

I offer a free 30-minute intro call, where we can get to know each other and you can ask any questions you might have about how we might work together. I so look forward to connecting with you!