There may be others who know a lot, but they do not know what you know.

— Ra Uru Hu, Founder of Human Design

The uniqueness of you…

What might it be like to hold our parenthood journey in our own unique knowing? Human Design offers a framework and language that is illuminating of our unique essence and allows us to connect with our children from that place.

Understanding our own chart as well as our children’s can give us bearings in our relationships with one another and an insight into how each of us experience life. Human Design can give us language for what we sense is going inside.

The intention is not to analyze our children through Human Design, but rather to use it as information that validates our intuitive understanding of them and to nurture our energetic connections. 

It is my greatest hope this information can liberate you from any ideas of who you should be as a parent or as a family that are not serving you. It is my deep hope that this way of ‘family-making’ opens up the possibility of co-creating life-long relationships with your family from a place of connection, alignment and inherent belonging. 

The best thing you can do for other people is really double down on being yourself. 

— Jenna Zoe, Founder of My Human Design

Parent Human Design Reading

  • This is a 1:1 Human Design Chart reading that last 60 minutes and is conducted via Zoom.

  • This session cost $149

Child Human Design Report

  • This is a downloadable resource that you will receive via email. It is approximately 15 pages long and will include information about Energy Type, Authority, Strategy as well as insights on societal conditioning and ideas for integrating the information into your family.

  • This report is $49

Child Report + Session

  • This is a 1:1 Human Design Insight session with me based on your child's chart. In this session we will go through your child's report and chart. I will answer any questions you might have and we can explore how this information might serve you, them and your family best.

  • The price of this bundle is $199.

Let’s Connect

I offer a free 30-minute intro call, where we can get to know each other and you can ask any questions you might have about how we might work together. I so look forward to connecting with you!