The expedition of you

Integral Development Coaching allows us to integrate the information brought to us through Human Design as well as our own experience in the world. Being aware of this information is only the first step. The real magic happens in the consistent practice of inquiring into unique essence and opening ourselves to greater possibilities. This is the journey we can embark upon together.

A practice in turning inward

  • Self-Observation

    When we start off on this journey its as if our lens comes into focus. Setting all expectations or ‘shoulds’ aside, we can start to see ourselves more clearly. What is going on for us? How are we spending our precious time? What does our internal world feel like? Who do we surround ourselves with? What stories are we telling ourselves about the world?

  • Self-Inquiry

    All of the answers to the previous questions are like pieces of treasure. Though often, they might not the ‘answers’ we are looking for, they are uniquely yours. They are each a wealth of information about your specific way of being. They might bring up strong emotions or the sudden desire to run away. This is all welcome and it is all there for us to explore with compassion and curiosity.

  • Self-Generation

    Central to our work is the idea that it is generative. The more we inquire, the more there is to inquire into. There will be moments that feel like arrivals, but we will see together that they are also new beginnings. My longing for you is that we cultivate the ability to observe and inquire into yourself, so that you can ever continue your journey of growth and exploration, alongside me and without me.

The Flow of Coaching

The Flow of Coaching

Free Intro Call

In our first call together, we simply get to know one another and explore if Human Design & Integral Coaching aligns with the type of support you are seeking. I will answer any questions you might have. We will also start to inquire into what is alive for you and what brings you to coaching.

1st Session

If we both desire to form a coaching relationship, then our first session will be an ‘intake’ session. In this session I will use compassionate curiosity to inquire into all areas of life. In Integral coaching we explore all domains of life to sense into an integrated understanding of your internal and external world.

2nd Session

After the 1st session, I will then look into your Human Design chart. I will intuitively explore it while holding all that you are wondering about for yourself and deliver that information to you in the 2nd session. There is an immense amount of information in a chart - it is my intention to bring that information to you in a way that serves where you are today and the developmental opening you are stepping into.

3rd Session & beyond

In the 3rd session, I will present to your coaching design to you. This design will include a framework and practices that you can explore in between sessions. We will discuss it together and adjust it as we go along with your input and collaboration. From here we set out on path together. We will sense into its twists and turns and give space to all that comes along during our time together.

Program Pricing Details

  • Bespoke Coaching Program

    Each client receives highly individualized coaching program designed specifically for them and their needs. The 6-month program includes 12 sessions and costs $2400.

  • Payment Plans Available

    I offer 3 different payment plans for clients: 2 payments of $1200, 3 payments of $800 and 6 payments of $400 paid over our time together.

Let’s Connect

I offer a free 30-minute intro call, where we can get to know each other and you can ask any questions you might have about how we might work together. I so look forward to connecting with you!